We are reviewing Havering’s Housing Allocations Scheme and need your help. Social housing is provided by social landlords – generally, local authorities or housing associations.
Demand for social housing in Havering significantly exceeds the number of properties available. In the financial year 2019-2020, only two in every 10 households on the housing register had a realistic prospect of securing social housing.
The Allocations Scheme sets out how the Council will prioritise access to the available housing in line with legislation and for the benefit of Havering residents .
The Council Housing Demand service has recently published our new Prevention of Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2020-2025 that makes our commitment to tackle homelessness and end rough sleeping by 2024. Havering are committed to advising and helping those who approach us in times of difficulty when they are at risk of homelessness or are already homeless.
The Housing Allocations Scheme applies to all new applicants, including homeless households, and to existing tenants transferring from one property to another. The purpose of this scheme is to clearly explain how Havering Council decides how available social housing is allocated and how we assess applications to the Housing Register.
It sets out the Council’s eligibility, qualifying, and housing need criteria to ensure priority is fairly assigned and allocated to households in the greatest need. It also sets out how the Council will enable access to other forms of affordable housing such as shared ownership and intermediate rented housing.
We value your knowledge and input, as residents, tenants, partners and staff of Havering; you know better than anyone how important it is that the Council’s Housing Allocations scheme is fair and transparent.
We therefore welcome your comments and feedback. This consultation will be your opportunity to tell us your opinion on our proposed changes.
Amendments proposed to the previous Allocations Scheme
The aims of the revised Allocations Scheme are to:
The key changes we are proposing to make are as follows:
Qualification Criteria
Banding Changes
We are consulting because seeking views on what you think of our proposed changes, or receiving information about how the proposals might affect you or someone you know, is really important in making sure that we have taken important evidence on board before making a final decision.