Everyone knows it - spoken agreements aren't worth the paper they're written on. The IT Consultant today is facing changes we never imagined a few years ago. Managed services are everywhere. Franchised tech support is everywhere. And now big corporations are trying to compete in the Small Business Space. Whether you like it or not, you need to make some changes in order to meet the challenges of the next few years. Service agreements literally define your business. If you're not using them, you need to start today. If you are using them, great! Just make sure that they truly represent who you are and how you want to define your business. Whether you sell your services hourly, in blocks of time, or with a Managed Services plan, you need a good service agreement. You need this book! As with his other books, Karl gives you more than just the forms. This book includes best practices and lots of great information to help you run your business more prosperously! Includes downloads of all the critical forms and agreements!