The Fiber Optic Association, the non-profit group that brought you the 10 fiber safety rules you can't ignore, also offers for free a comprehensive checklist to assist those responsible for overseeing a cabling-installation project. The checklist is not fiber-optic-specific; rather, it is medium-agnostic and concentrates on process as opposed to specific products or media types.
"Planning for the installation is a critical phase of any project as it involves coordinating activities of many people and companies," the FOA says. "The best way to keep everything straight is to develop a checklist based on the design path." The FOA adds that its list "is comprehensive but each project may have some of its own unique requirements that need to be added to the list."
The checklist includes items to be performed during pre-install planning, before the installation begins, during the installation, and after the cable-plant install is completed.